History Author

Robert Guiscard, William the Conqueror, Roger I of Sicily and Bohemond Prince of Antioch are just four of the exceptional Norman commanders who created their own kingdoms in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The discipline and fighting qualities of their armies, marked them out from their Viking forebears and from many of the armed forces that stood against them.
"Wish I'd purchased this before I went visiting Norman castles in Italy and Sicily. As a war gamer and military history enthusiast this book helps with gaming ideas and rule interpretation as well as being just a damn good read!"
Amazon Reviewer

Tomb of Robert Curthose, Gloucester Cathedral.
"This brilliant book with a brilliant cast of participants follows the men of extraordinary ability and courage, who created and ruled their kingdoms with a mixture of cruelty and magnanimity. From their campaigns to their battles, its remaining secrets are revealed."
The Bulletin of The Military Historical Society
"This is a perhaps surprisingly absorbing book, with the author dispensing a great deal of information in a reliable but most readable manner. Highly recommended as an insight into aspects of early medieval warfare."
Military Modelling - Stuart Asquith