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Knights Templar at War
Temple Church London

Temple Church, London.




Templar myths are fun, although what is seldom explored about the Templars are the military actions they fought, and that is why Paul's highly illustrated study is so timely. He focuses on how this military order prosecuted its wars. The order was founded as a response to attacks on pilgrims in the Holy Land, and it was involved in countless battles and sieges, always at the forefront of crusading warfare.



This absorbing book examines why they were such an important aspect of medieval warfare on the frontiers of Christendom for nearly two hundred years. Paul shows how they were funded and supplied, how they organized their forces on campaign and on the battlefield and the strategies and tactics they employed in the various theatres of warfare in which they fought. Templar leadership, command and control are examined, and sections cover their battles and campaigns, fortifications and castles.


"Aimed squarely at the popular military history market, this volume explores the military activities of the Knights Templar."

Society for Medieval Archaeology.


"A detailed look behind the endless Templar mythology."

The Armourer, May 2018.


"As featured 'On The Book Shelf'"

Wargames Illustrated, January 2018.

© 2023 by Paul Hill

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